As epic small-screen sci-fi goes, Battlestar Galactica is light-years ahead of the competition. It's vast in every sense, spanning years in the lives of the titular ship's crew, leaping about from planet to planet and star system to star system and lasting for a whopping 75 episodes, of which two are feature-length standalone movies.
It's also expansive in its content, majoring in such themes as religion, trust, self-worth, addiction, love, death and what it means to be human. But if that sounds a little serious, don't worry - there's plenty of action too, as the few thousand human survivors of a system-wide catastrophe attempt to elude robotic bad guys and gals the Cylons.
It drags a little at times - as you'd expect in a series lasting this long - but it's required viewing for fans of a good old rip-roaring space opera.
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